ruby on rails php

Phil Sturgeon talks about his experience in Ruby-land after having been in PHP for ages. What does he like? What does he dislike? Find out in PHP vs Ruby!

相關軟體 Ruby 下載

Ruby是一種為了物件導向而創的簡單快捷的腳本語。它擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性,能減少程式設計時候的不必要的瑣碎時間。Ruby語言通常非常直觀,會按照設計者希望的運行方式來執行。 擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性。 ...

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  • RoR的開發速度可以比Java快10倍,比PHP快五倍。這樣的魔術數字,RoR到底是如何辦到的? ... 《超越Java》一書中提及作者的團隊曾將Java的專案利用Ruby on ...
    網站開發快10倍-探索Ruby on Rails的高速魔法 | iThome ...
  • Phil Sturgeon talks about his experience in Ruby-land after having been in PHP for ages. W...
    PHP vs Ruby - Let's All Just Get Along — SitePoint ...
  • When people seek to start off a new IT project or career, they often find themselves wonde...
    PHP vs Ruby on Rails – What Are the Differences? ...
  • Murach's PHP: So Now a Days Many Coding Bootcamps are Use Ruby ...
    Question - Should I Learn Ruby on Rails Over PHP ? - YouTube
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    Rails for PHP Developers by Derek DeVries and Mike Naberezny ...
  • 能讓你達到你想要的都是好工具,Rails很潮很強大, 但PHP陣營也是有在進化的PHP 被許多主管認為是雕蟲小技,所以不需要給太高的薪水我想是 ...
    Re: [請益] RoR還是PHP - 看板Soft_Job - 批踢踢實業坊
  • Comparison of Ruby on Rails vs PHP, performance and speed, scalability, ease of maintenanc...
    Ruby on Rails vs PHP Performance Comparison
  • Comparison of Ruby on Rails vs PHP, performance and speed, scalability, ease of maintenanc...
    Ruby on Rails vs PHP Performance Comparison - Comentum
  • 2012年7月26日 - Bantering back and forth between whether to use PHP or Ruby on Rails? Here&#...
    Ruby on Rails vs PHP – The good, the bad | Leonard Teo
  • As a total newcomer this post is extremely helpful. I’ve been testing out python, Ruby on ...
    Ruby on Rails vs PHP – The good, the bad | Leonard Teo ...
  • 2010年7月16日 - 後來試著用PHP的Zend Framework,因為現在比較流行的web ... 2010年起,我試著開始把案子用RoR來做,整個有種「我終於可以把時間...
    Ruby on Rails 之門外漢心得- 高見龍
  • 2017年7月4日 - Ruby and PHP are two of today's best-known and widely used languages for ...
    Ruby vs PHP - UpGuard
  • I learned Ruby before PHP. I wanted to learn to program just for fun, not because I had th...
    Should I learn PHP or Ruby? I want to learn just one, due to time - Quora
  • To Ruby From PHP PHP is in widespread use for web applications, but if you want to use Rub...
    To Ruby From PHP - Ruby Programming Language
  • 2014年3月29日 - I am new to the server side programming and web development. I have this pro...
    What should I choose Ruby on Rails or PHP ? | Treehouse Community
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  • Rails是新手入門學寫網站最辛苦的選擇之一。 常常有文章或是課程建議新手用Rails入門寫網站,我認為這種建議十分危險。 Rails並不適合初學者使用。推薦沒有資訊背景的人去學R...
    給網站初學者的建議:用 Ruby on Rails 非常辛苦,用 PHP 非常舒 ...
  • 2016年2月18日 - Rails是新手入門學寫網站最辛苦的選擇之一。 常常有文章或是課程建議新手用Rails入門寫網站,我認為這種建議十分危險。 Rails並不適合初學者&n...
    給網站初學者的建議:用Ruby on Rails 非常辛苦,用PHP 非常舒服| 轉個 ...
  • RoR的開發速度可以比Java快10倍,比PHP快五倍。這樣的魔術數字,RoR到底是如何辦到的? ... 《超越Java》一書中提及作者的團隊曾將Java的專案利用Ruby on ...
    網站開發快10倍-探索Ruby on Rails的高速魔法 | iThome ...
  • Phil Sturgeon talks about his experience in Ruby-land after having been in PHP for ages. W...
    PHP vs Ruby - Let's All Just Get Along — SitePoint ...